Kyōkai no Rinne Wiki
Shinigami Tools

This is a list of tools used by Shinigamis and also Damashigamis in order of appearance.

Mostly Used[]

  • Shinigami Scythe (死神のカマ)

The main weapon used by Shinigamis to slash and purify evil spirits.

  • Yomi No Haori (黄泉の羽織)

It materializes a spirit, and allows a partly Shinigami to be invisible and fly.

  • Revolving Lantern (走馬灯)

It transforms memories of the past into a video.

Revolving Lantern
  • Tsukumogami Seal (九十九髪シール) - Prize: 99 yen

It imbues things with souls.

Tsukumogami Seal
  • Emotion Dust (念粉)

When sprinkled onto a disembodied spirit or object, it leads to its origin.

Emotion Dust
  • Spirit Dye Ball (霊体用カラーボール)

It colors ghosts so ordinary people can see them.

Spirit Dye Ball
  • Channeling Doll (依代人形) - Prize: Vinyl 1000 yen, Ura 100 yen, Paper 10 yen

It houses a ghost or disembodied spirit temporarily.

Yorishiro Doll
  • Separation Incense (分離香)

It brings out an attached spirit with smoke.

Separation Incense
  • Ring of Judgment (裁きの輪)

It works as a shield of justice when its owner is subjected to an unfair attack, and can lead its owner to the whereabouts of its offender and even restrain him.

Ring of Judgment
  • Illusionary Lantern (幻夜燈)

Used to trick people into seeing exciting visions. There are many types including Disco Ball, Rotating, and Memory Type (which diffuses scenes of the past of a place).

Illusionary Lantern
  • Barrier Duct Tape (結界ガムテープ) - Prize: 600 yen

It precludes anyone entering or coming out of a place.

Barrier Duct Tape
  • Exorcism Hourglass (除霊砂時計) - Prize: 20000 yen

When placed in a house, it precludes ghosts to come in.

Exorcism Hourglass
  • Basic Spirit Door (使い捨て霊道 or 簡易霊道) - Prize: 300 to 600 yen depending on size

It will link a spirit path to a certain location written on it.

Basic Spirit Door
  • Spirit Smoker Outer (霊いぶりだし香)

Used to smoke out spirits.

Spirit smoker outer
  • Feeling Coating Spray (念コーティングスプレー)

It gives physical substance to items, desires or whatever is aggravating someone, so ordinary people can see them.

Feeling Coating Spray
  • Spirit Binding Lasso (縛霊しめ縄 or 霊縛しめ縄)

Used to bind and contain a spirit.

Spirit binding lasso
  • Spirit Gathering Incense (霊寄せ香)

It gathers spirits.

Spirit gathering incense
  • Scrying Orb (のぞき玉)

It shows accurate glimpses of the past and the future. If it's lost, it always returns to its current owner.

Scrying Orb

Used More Than Once[]

  • Hakujitsutou (白日灯)[1]

It sheds light on illusions to expose them.

  • Barrier Dissolving Spray (結界溶解スプレー)[2] - Prize: 20000 yen

Used to break through any barrier.

  • Watchdog Collar (番犬の首輪)[3]

Used to summon Dogs.

  • Astral Extraction Fishing Rod (幽体離脱釣り竿)[4]

It can temporarily pull out a soul of a body.

  • Decoy Doll (身代わり人形)[5] - Prize: 10000 yen per hour

It creates a substitute of whoever’s hair or nail is placed inside and takes upon misfortunes the person would have had to endure (it creates a powerful attractive force for whoever targets that person).

  • Seeker Hinotama (追跡用火の玉)[6] - Prize: 1850 yen

It automatically chases down anyone whose hair is burned inside.

  • Spirit Road Magic Marker (霊道発生マジック)[7] - Prize: 2900 yen

A spirit path is generated for a few seconds when a geometric shape is drawn.

  • Substitution Balloon (替え玉風船)[8] - Prize: 10 yen

An easy dummy maker that takes the form of whatever is drawn into it.

  • Yorishiro Stickers (依代シール)[9] - Prize: 10 yen

It causes spirit possession. Just put it to whatever or whoever, and the sticker’s spirit will take over.

  • Spirit Expellent Incense (霊追い出して香)[10]

Used to make spirits go away

  • Doll Microphone (人形用マイク)[11]

It allows Tsukumogami dolls or wishes to talk.

  • Memory Glasses (メモリーグラス)[12] - Prize: 1000 yen

3D Glasses that reproduce events of the past which were seen by animals or objects whose words can’t be understood.

  • Nekomata Plug (猫又プラグ)[13]

Allows a spirited cat to take a human form with 2 tails.

Used Once[]

  • Fire Wheel (火車烈断) - Prize: 500 yen
  • Spirit World Tin Can Phone (霊界糸電話) - Prize: 70 yen

It lets you contact a spirit of your choice.

  • Meidoshadan (冥戸遮断) - Prize: 1000 yen
  • Ungaikyou (雲外鏡)
  • Cross (十字架) - Prize: 100 yen
  • Shimitori Paper (シミとり紙)

Used to remove curse or spell marks.

  • Bloodsucking Fire Wheel (吸血烈車)

It instantly turns whatever touched it into money, robbing the opponent of his/her assets, which are transported to a safe.

  • Time Holograph (タイムホログラフ)

It creates physical manifestation of the residual desires of an item’s owner.

  • Evil Spirit Balloon (悪霊フーセン) (Discontinued)

A fake evil spirit inflated to fight against real evil spirits.

  • Basic Spirit Door Spawner Pencil (簡易霊道発生シャーペン) (Discontinued)

Just draw a circle and you get a hole to the Reidou.

  • Wings to the Afterlife (あの世にひとっ飛びウイング) (Discontinued)

Wings that sends anyone to fly until the afterlife.

  • Demon Tool Cutting Shears (悪魔道具切りバサミ)

Used to snip off far-reaching demonic devices.

  • Simple Ghost Trap Box (簡易霊捕獲箱)
  • Tsukumogami Catching Net (九十九神捕獲網) - Prize: 990 yen
  • Tsukumogami Capturing Bolas (九十九神捕獲ボーラボーラ) - Prize: 990 yen
  • Channeling Balloon (依代風船) - Prize: 1000 yen

When a person inflates it, a childhood version of that person is produced.

  • Capture Net (捕獲網) - Prize: 500 yen
  • Ghost Motels (浮遊霊ハウス)
  • Scrying Bath Salts (念読バブルソーダ) - Prize: 3000 yen

It reveals information about spirits in liquid.

  • Tombstone Maze (墓石迷路)

Numerous tombstones rise trapping and making anyone lose their way.

  • Dark Fireworks (暗闇花火)

When released, it completely darkens its surrounding.

  • Scythe-Quick-Fix Tape (カマ応急修理用ガムテープ)
  • Spirit Power Up Booster (生霊パワーアップブースター)
  • Spirit Attracting Aromatic Mushrooms (霊寄せ用香りキノコ)
  • Bouncy Soul Capsule (弾み魂カプセル)

A giant capsule full of energetic aura, which can purify evil spirits if thrown with great force and install a positive aura.

  • Pseudo-American Trick Spirit (アメリカダマシ霊モドキ)

A fake seducing spirit from a pheromone extract used for sending men into delusion.

  • Break Up Set (破局セット) - Prize: 10000 yen

Used to make a couple break up.

  • Feeling Gathering Wick (念寄せの芯)
  • Spirit Sedative (霊眠剤)
  • Paper Dogs (犬紙)
  • Pawn Vase (質壺)

It's a bottle which sucks and pawns articles.

  • Forgetball (忘れ玉)

Used to make someone forget.

  • Rememball (思い出し玉)

Used to make someone remember.

  • Choker (チョーカー) - Prize: 500 yen

A fancy collar, in which one can monitor what the spirit guardian sees and hear via spirit network.

  • Spirit Bubble Solution (霊溶液シャボン玉) - Prize: 480 yen

Anyone encased in a bubble gets sent into the Reidou once it’s bursts.

  • Bug Soul Suction Trap (虫魂吸引虫カゴ)
  • Body-Double Balloon Doll (身変わり風船人形)
  • Spirit-Lowering Holy Rope (精霊降臨しめ縄)
  • Inflation Medicine (膨満剤)
  • Spirit Separation Liquid (霊はがし液)
  • Space Adhesion Seal (空間密着シール)
  • Spiritual Alarm Clock (霊体用目ざまし)
  • Sense Powder (鑑識パウダー) - Prize: 3800 yen per 100 gram

Used for tracing spirit signatures.

  • Calming Tags (鎮静札)

Talismans that calm down a ghost.

  • Spirit Binding Tape (霊接着ガムテープ)
  • Soul Suction Mirror (吸魂鏡コンパクトタイプ)

A small mirror that shelters a ghost.

  • Spirit Capturing Paper (霊取り紙)

Spiritual adhesive tapes that captures ghosts.

  • Memory Sheet (メモリーシート)
  • Evil Repulse Barrier Hair Tie (退魔結界ヘアゴム) - Prize: 1000 yen

They electrocute any evil spirit touching whoever wears them.

  • Mask of Medusa (メデューサの仮面)

Everything one looks through that mask turns into stone.

  • Spirit Road Pouch (霊道巾着)
  • Field Reproduction Tube (現場再現チューブ)
  • Sealing Padlock (封印南京錠)
  • Retrieving Magnet (復縁磁石)
  • Misfortune Receiving Doll (厄受け人形)
  • Thought Blotting Paper (思い吸い取り紙)

Anime Only[]

  • Spirit Casting Net (霊体投網) - Prize: 180 yen
  • Spirit Dust Cloth (霊体ハタキ) - Prize: 120 yen
  • Spirit Pepper (霊体コショウ)
  • Spirit Popper (霊体クラッカー)
  • Shikigami RC (式紙ラジコン) (Discontinued)[14]

It lets you control anyone you put the antenna on.

  • Romance-Maker Set (縁結びセット)[15]

Used to get someone to like you by cowardly means.


  • Some tools' name in Japanese can vary such as Basic Spirit Door (使い捨て霊道 or 簡易霊道) and Spirit Binding Lasso (縛霊しめ縄 or 霊縛しめ縄).


  1. Chapters 26 (Episode 9), 373
  2. Chapters 42, 196
  3. Chapters 66 (Episode 20), 174, 207 (Episode 61)
  4. Chapters 83 (Episode 27), 137 (Episode 38)
  5. Chapters 100-101 (Episode 25), 276
  6. Chapters 106, 193 (Episode 50)
  7. Chapters 114 (Episode 44), 209 (Episode 60), 219
  8. Chapters 119 (Episode 69), 227 (Episode 73)
  9. Chapters 123-124 (Episode 21), 135 (Episode 38), 147-148 (Episode 47)
  10. Chapters 137 (Episode 38), 221 (Episode 65)
  11. Chapters 184, 208, 218, 300
  12. Chapters 190, 293
  13. Chapters 226 (Episode 72), 369
  14. Episode 20
  15. Episode 41